A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

 This simulation, developed by Irene Sotiriadou in 2024 for her bachelor thesis at Hellenic Open University, demonstrates how computer science can enhance our understanding of space exploration. Utilizing authentic terrain data from the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and 3D models of Martian meteorites, users can explore the Martian landscape and engage in technical tasks related to potential Mars missions.

This project aims to educate and inspire by demonstrating how low-cost simulations can spark interest in space exploration and provide individuals with a practical understanding of tackling technical challenges on missions.  By leveraging computer science, the simulation creates an engaging and informative experience that emphasizes the practical applications of technology in space exploration.       

 Contact:   irisoteriadou@gmail.com


SOL977_0.0.zip 802 MB

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